Some facts and figures

Last year we rescued 195 dogs and 33 cats and found loving homes for 186 dogs and 26 cats. We typically have 70 dogs and 10 cats in our care on site with a number of other dogs in foster.

We always have a waiting list for rescue places and are contacted daily by pounds and private individuals desperate to find rescue places and avoid having to have animals put to sleep.

Each animal that we rescue is neutered and receives any veterinary treatment that they need including regular vaccinations. All our dogs and cats are fed good quality food and our staff and volunteers ensure they get the exercise and love they need to prepare them for their forever homes. We stick by our animals for however long it takes to find them the right home and on the rare occasion a homing doesn’t work we take them back and look for another.

Our funding
None of this comes cheap and we are totally self-funded relying on the generosity of our friends, our volunteers and local businesses working very much from hand to mouth.

Please help!
Any money that you are able to donate will be gratefully received. Standing orders are ideal for us because they ensure a regular income stream but we are also delighted to receive one off donations and bequests.

Our commitment to you
Every penny of any money that you kindly donate will be spent on our animals. Look at the difference it makes!


Why Donate?  We know the ‘true’ costs incurred in helping homeless dogs become healthy, neutered and ready for their forever homes.
The Rescue has a discounted price at 16.50 incl of VAT per dog per day and we regularly hold in excess of 70 dogs in boarding kennels at any one time. The recession hit our rescue, slowing homing rates with more dogs being dumped at vets or on our streets. Councils are giving dogs even less time and putting dogs to sleep more readily, to cut their costs as their budgets are squeezed. We have dog wardens in tears begging for a rescue place, offering their own money to support us, as they know their dog in our care will be safe. We set up the Rescue in 2003 from small beginnings and have a fabulous and hard earned reputation.Our HEART IS BIG; we have strong ethics and high standards. We are experts in Terriers and Staffies and they need us most because they are harder to home than more popular breeds.Donations go straight to pay vet and kennel bills. Our suggested adoption fee of £200 hardly covers our neutering, vaccination and chipping costs. Some dogs need a lot more vet care. Question any rescue presenting their dogs as un-neutered. We set our dogs up for life and take the most needy ‘death row’ dogs and turn their fortunes around.All rescues are struggling, as a small rescue we don’t have big benefactors behind us. We live under great financial pressure and continue to take more dogs than perhaps we should. People donate because they can trust us and so we survive, as do our dogs. We really need your emotional and financial help. Donations can be made in the following ways. Every penny will be gratefully received and spent on our dogs.

By PayPal, Debit or Credit Card
Please click on the Donate button at either the top or the bottom of this page and complete the on-line form presented to you. You will receive acknowledgement of your donation from us once we receive confirmation from Paypal.

Please see online Gift Aid form

By Standing Order

If you wish to provide a continuing life line to our dogs you can do so by setting up a standing order using our on-line Rescue Remedies Standing Order Form and submitting it to your bank STANDING ORDER. Please see Gift Aid below.

By Cheque

If you are donating by cheque they should be made payable to “Rescue Remedies” then send the cheque to:Lynne da Costa, The Dog House, Hathersham Lane, Smallfield, Horley, Surrey RH6 9JG.. Please include a note of the dog’s name in the email if it is a donation for a dog you are homing. Please see Gift Aid form below.

Gift Aid

Rescue Remedies became a registered charity Company No – 7410743 Registered Charity No 1139407 in October 2010. We are able to reclaim Gift Aid on any donations given to us by persons paying UK Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax. Gift Aid increases the value of donations to charities by allowing them to reclaim 25% on your gift.

If you have very kindly given us a donation that qualifies for Gift Aid, we need you to complete a Gift Aid Declaration.

For your records, please print the form before submitting it.

Thank you very much for taking the time to do this. As you know we are all volunteers and no one takes a wage or claims expenses so every penny goes directly to helping homeless dogs.

With many thanks

If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.


And Finally

Just look at our beautiful dogs … we can’t save them without you! Our future dogs deserve to stay alive. Thank you, and many licks from our dogs.